BVIP With Wood 03/03/2018
Baltic Porter


Type: All Grain

Date: 3/3/2018

Batch Size: 5.50 gal

Brewer: Joe Aiello
Boil Size: 7.98 gal Asst Brewer:
Boil Time: 60 min Equipment: PW
Taste Rating(out of 50): 30.0 Brewhouse Efficiency: 64.00
Taste Notes:


Amount Item Type % or IBU
11.00 lb Pale Ale Malt (Rahr) (3.5 SRM) Grain 59.46 %
2.00 lb Munich II (Weyermann) (10.0 SRM) Grain 10.81 %
1.00 lb Brown Malt (Crisp) (75.0 SRM) Grain 5.41 %
1.00 lb Chocolate Malt (Simpsons) (600.8 SRM) Grain 5.41 %
1.00 lb Crystal Light - 45L (Crisp) (45.0 SRM) Grain 5.41 %
1.00 lb Crystal, DRCŪ (Simpsons) (152.3 SRM) Grain 5.41 %
0.50 lb Corn Sugar (Dextrose) (0.0 SRM) Sugar 2.70 %
0.50 lb Milk Sugar (Lactose) (0.0 SRM) Sugar 2.70 %
0.50 lb Turbinado (10.0 SRM) Sugar 2.70 %
1.00 oz Magnum [12.00 %] (60 min) Hops 36.4 IBU
0.50 oz Goldings, East Kent [5.00 %] (10 min) Hops 2.7 IBU
1 Pkgs American Ale (Wyeast Labs #1056) Yeast-Ale
3.00 oz Bourbon (Secondary 0.0 min) Misc
2.00 items Vanilla Bean (Secondary 0.0 min) Misc
1.00 items American Oak Infusion Spirals (Secondary 7.0 days) Misc


Beer Profile

Est Original Gravity: 1.082 SG

Measured Original Gravity: 1.081 SG
Est Final Gravity: 1.019 SG Measured Final Gravity: 1.019 SG
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 8.23 % Actual Alcohol by Vol: 8.12 %
Bitterness: 37.2 IBU Calories: 372 cal/pint
Est Color: 50.6 SRM Color:

Mash Profile

Mash Name: Single Infusion, Full Body, Batch Sparge Total Grain Weight: 17.00 lb
Sparge Water: 0.00 gal Grain Temperature: 72.0 F
Sparge Temperature: 168.0 F TunTemperature: 72.0 F
Adjust Temp for Equipment: FALSE Mash PH: 5.4 PH

Single Infusion, Full Body, Batch Sparge
Step Time Name Description Step Temp
45 min Mash In Add 21.25 qt of water at 164.8 F 153.0 F

Mash Notes: Simple single infusion mash for use with most modern well modified grains (about 95% of the time).

Carbonation and Storage

Carbonation Type: Kegged (Forced CO2) Volumes of CO2: 2.3
Pressure/Weight: 12.5 PSI Carbonation Used: My Carbonation Profile
Keg/Bottling Temperature: 45.0 F Age for: 30.0 days
Storage Temperature: 65.0 F  


Around 8 started water
Used Morebeer kettle on inductive heater
5G strike at 165
+Campden Tab
Sparge water on inductive 5G plus used sous vous
9:45 Mash water 5G 172 cooled to 167. Mash temp 153
10:50 Vorlauf 3 gallons (nick helped)
Xfer to kettle ~2.8G in kettle
5G sparge water
7.25G in kettle
11:30 Boil started
lots of foam. Need foram control
1 oz magnum
15 Brix preboil gravity
12:30 Amarillo, whirlfloc, 1/2 lb corn sugar, 1/2 lb lactose, 1/2 lb turbinado sugar, Fermentaid k
12:45 flamout. chill 12:55
5.5G in carboy ~64F
20 brix OG
fridge set to 64
Pitched 2 packets fafale 05 dry. Not enough yeast. 66 billion cell/packet. need to do starters
3/5 harvested 6 oz trub+yeast from DIPA added to BVIP.
3/9 still slow bubbles.

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