Bistro Cream Ale 1/27/2019
Cream Ale


Type: All Grain

Date: 1/27/2019

Batch Size: 5.50 gal

Brewer: Jomebrew
Boil Size: 9.32 gal Asst Brewer:
Boil Time: 60 min Equipment: Jomebrew 11G Top Tier
Taste Rating(out of 50): 30.0 Brewhouse Efficiency: 80.00
Taste Notes:


Amount Item Type % or IBU
9.00 lb Pale Malt (2 Row) US (2.0 SRM) Grain 94.74 %
0.50 lb Rice Extract Syrup (7.0 SRM) Extract 5.26 %
0.40 oz Magnum [12.00 %] (30 min) Hops 15.3 IBU
1 Pkgs San Diego Super Yeast (White Labs #WLP090) Yeast-Ale


Beer Profile

Est Original Gravity: 1.050 SG

Measured Original Gravity: 1.051 SG
Est Final Gravity: 1.010 SG Measured Final Gravity: 1.007 SG
Estimated Alcohol by Vol: 5.28 % Actual Alcohol by Vol: 5.76 %
Bitterness: 13.5 IBU Calories: 224 cal/pint
Est Color: 3.8 SRM Color:

Mash Profile

Mash Name: #1 Single Infusion, Light Body, Batch Sparge Total Grain Weight: 9.00 lb
Sparge Water: 7.24 gal Grain Temperature: 72.0 F
Sparge Temperature: 168.0 F TunTemperature: 72.0 F
Adjust Temp for Equipment: FALSE Mash PH: 5.4 PH

#1 Single Infusion, Light Body, Batch Sparge
Step Time Name Description Step Temp
75 min Mash In Add 13.50 qt of water at 156.7 F 148.0 F

Mash Notes: Simple single infusion mash for use with most modern well modified grains (about 95% of the time).

Carbonation and Storage

Carbonation Type: Kegged (Forced CO2) Volumes of CO2: 2.0
Pressure/Weight: 9.0 PSI Carbonation Used: Keg
Keg/Bottling Temperature: 45.0 F Age for: 30.0 days
Storage Temperature: 60.0 F  


~3g strike@159f
Mashed in. forgot to lower temp scontrol from strike to mash temp. Must remember.
9:40 Mash started. added pinch campden to water. recirc 60 minutes
10:45 Xfer to kettle ~2g in kettle
added sparge water to 6.5G on level. Not enough. Added 2 gallons more
19.4 BRIX First Runnings
11:10 Slow lauter. Pump issues. Long time to get wort flowing.
7.5G in kettle. 10 BRIX Pre Boil
Took false bottom out of mash tun. Gross! Scrubbed with barkeeps friend.
Heated water to 130 with 4-5oz PBW. Recirc for 45 minutes.
Ran outof propane. Switched tanks.
12:00 Boil already started.
Added .04 oz magnum
12:20 11.4 Brix
Added .5 lb dry rice extract
12:30 Removed hops after 30 minutes. .4 oz was too much
1:05 Flame out
1:15 Wort at 65f.
Xfer to carboy I added some yest/trub from DIPA just kegged.
Pitched 090
Pitched Calrityferm
Recirculated hot PBW from mashtun to kettke and recirc 30 minutes
2:15 all done

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